Kong Academy | Empowering Kids Through Play

Play, Connect, Embrace, Move & Grow

Kong Academy Empowers Kids Through Play & Movement

Too often kids are treated as fragile and incapable. We teach kids how to become physically and emotionally strong.

Register Your Child

Improve Social Skills & Emotional Maturity

Get Your Child Active & Moving!

Learn About Kong Academy in Seattle, Washington

At Kong Academy, we believe in nurturing kids’ skills at just the right age so they can blossom into mentally strong and emotionally healthy preteens. We know that kids are capable and intelligent. With the right inspiration, there is no ceiling on what kids can do. This belief is integrated into everything we do with our students, parents, and educators.

Kids between the ages of 4-12 are eligible for our after school and summer camp programs.

Kids are growing up in a digital world that robs them of so many core experiences required to grow into healthy adults. Even with the best of intentions, parents alone can’t replace these essential events.

Kids need to experience life with their peers, friends and trusted adults in order to mature their social and emotional skills. At Kong Academy, we integrate this critical learning into all of our programming so your kids learn while having fun.

Our Approach To Learning

Our after school and summer camp programs are based on the 5 pillars of social and emotional development developed by CASEL. We pay special attention to:

We engage kids in developing crucial skills through play, which is the key to our successful programs. Children naturally thrive on play. By infusing learning and skills into enjoyable activities, children become more inquisitive, open, and engaged. This “special sauce” is our way of nurturing children’s growth and potential.

Kong Academy Programs Are Rooted In Three Pillars:

Building Social Awareness & Relationship Skills

Social awareness is a hot topic discussed by teachers, psychologists, and parents. We all notice when kids struggle to make friends, interact with others or feel like they belong in a group. Our after school and summer camps work on helping kids build this important set of skills so relationships are easier and more harmonious.

Responsible Decision Making

Learning how to make good decisions is a skill that grows with age and maturity. As kids get older, they need to take on more responsibility and to take risks in a healthy way. We teach both as part of our programs so kids can mature in age-appropriate ways.

Developing A Growth Mindset Around Self-Awareness & Self-Control

Our after school and summer camp programs also include a dedicated focus on helping kids develop a growth mindset. The Kong Academy community is one where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. We help kids to become flexible, understand healthy boundaries, appreciate compromise along with other important skills kids need to function in society.

As seen on

Meet the Founders

Kong Academy was founded in 2016 by Curt Jordan and Elke Robshaw with the goal of helping kids get their bodies moving so they can use play to learn the skills necessary to thrive in life.


Founder / Chief Head Monkey


Co-founder / Chief Play Officer

Happy Families


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